Saturday, March 13, 2010

Starting Again

I read this a couple of days ago.....

"You're never too old to begin again".

I like that saying....alot.

This was going to be the year that I really got my health under control. I spent most of February sick and now here it is...March already.

I now have a job and our lives are beginning to have a pattern. I realize that weight loss and good health needs to happen regardless of the pattern or not pattern of life. But for me, I need to have a pattern to develop good habits.

So here I am again. I haven't gained any "new weight", but I have lost any nor have I been working at it.

I'm excited. I want to make this happen. Here's to not being too old!

Oh, and welcome to the new blog look.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Good luck! Here's a mantra that I have to tell myself often. Maybe it can help you, too. "Take responsibility for what you say you want, and STOP setting yourself up for failure!"